
I-mac version of project (Easiest and most stable build so far)

A project log for Making books accessible to all kids

This project creates an easily accessible digital library of animated books, empowering all children to independently explore reading.

atomicthomasatomicthomas 10/06/2016 at 11:040 Comments

How to build an i-mac version of listening center


i-mac (at least core duo)-$200

JoystickMapper- $14 (This app is used to reconfigure controller.

Generic USB controller from - $7

1. Upload videos to i-tunes.

2. Download Joystickmapper app.

3. Plug in controller.

4. Run Joystickmapper and setup controller for i-tunes.

A. Click Add a new preset.

B. Plug in controller and type name of new preset.

C. Configure the controller as follows:

D. Joystickmapper needs to be running to work and the specific preset needs to be checked.

E. Train kids to use controller
