This was one of the first things I 3D printed after a free-for-all 3D printer was introduced where I worked (in the office of information technology) at Duke. I was immediately hooked. I ended up entering this in the Innovation Co-Lab's 3D Printing challenge where I won first place (and a Makerbot mini)! Though I'm away from a 3D Printer this summer, I intend to keep working on it when I'm back next semester (and hopefully see it deployed in an educational setting). I was lucky enough to be at a public school with enough money to promote hands-on-science, but the high cost of science often keeps out most schools. I'm hoping this, and other tools developed by DIY biologists, can help increase the accessibility to hands science in schools (the most fun part of science).
So far, I've only tested this up to 15,000 RPM at length on the Dremel (where it does remarkably well--pelleting 1 micron microbeads in a minute or two). More testing to come.
I've still got lots to learn in the world of 3D printing, so advice there would also be appreciated.