Here comes the finished board.
- Works completely as expected. The RGB LED on top is used for error / or any other indication. The LED on bottom of the board serves as a Voltage indicator (Battery Voltage circuit built-in). The color gradually fades between Green to Red according to change in input voltage.
- U5 space is used for adding a plug-in step down voltage module with 7805 regulator pinouts.
- Controller intelligently selects the input module. The input can be either RC Remote, I2C, Bluetooth, or Infrared.
- Reset Circuitry to reset the board once the input control method is changed.
- The board is fully Arduino Compatible
- Two I2C interfaces. One to connect the controller and other to connect multiple modules in Series
- A bottom connector on the board can be used to mount the boards in series to connect multiple motors
A Raspberry Pi Zero W mounted over the controller board. The pin-outs are compatible with other Raspberry Pi Boards too.