Quantity   Component name
1 × 50mm lens Make sure it fits the 35mm film camera.. This will be your primary lens . It best approximates human vision and will give best results for general viewing.
1 × Used 35mm film camera These can be purchased on eBay for $10-$20. Try and find one with lenses included.
1 × Battery box for two AA batteries
1 × Night Vision image intensifier/cascade tube. This will be your most expensive purchase. Gen 2 & 3 tubes are not cheap. So purchase wisely.. Be sure your NV tube is guaranteed to work without defect. . In a latter section I will share my sources.
1 × On/Off switch. I used a toggle switch that glows green when circuit is hot.
1 × Eye piece. Jewler's loop or other magnifying lens This will be used to magnify the 'green screen' image on the NV tube.
1 × Paint: PVC primer Priming your PVC before painting is very important . Without it your paint WILL peal. I suggest Krylon brand.
7 × PVC Pipe, flanges, caps, etc. The PVC pipe will need to be wide enough for your NV tube to fit inside.
1 × Dremel. With cutting blade and sanding disks
1 × Paint: Again, I think Krylon brand is best. I used a textured satin black for the exterior and flat black for the interior.
1 × Glue: Epoxy or Guerilla Glue.
1 × Drill and and drill bits.
1 × Screws, nuts and bolts.
1 × Black silicone caulk.
1 × Black drawer pull. 3" to 6" long. This will service as a handle.
1 × Light gage wire. But heavy enough to wire to the battery box.
1 × Battery Box Large enough for two AA batteries.
1 × Solidering gun and electrical solider.
1 × Electrical tape or black vinyl tape
1 × Hand tools: screw drivers, pliers
1 × Gentle touch