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Test performed

The integration process between ESP8266 and Google Docs has not changed.

Among the improvements, allows connections with Google Sheets, Calendar, Drive, have improved performance to see detailed improvements in the following link.

In our case we will only make the connection with the Google sheet and we will prove the creation of the fingerprint.

1. Download Library examples from Github

The use of the library has some conditions of use mentioned by the creator to take into account mentioned at the end of the README github.

2. Copy  Google Script Code

In our Google Drive we create a folder and create a new Google Script or .gs file and paste the code, compile and execute it.

Add Sheet ID and I have made the modification line 38 'Sheet1' for 'Hoja  1' in my case my drive is in Spanish.

3. Create new Google Spreadsheets file

In our Google Drive we create a new Google Spreadsheets file, copy ID from URL.

4. Generate fingerprint

The creator of the library explains in case of Linux, Windows and MAC OS here in SSL Certificates,in this case we will test the method of generating the fingerprint for Windows and Linux, for MAC it is similar to Windows.

Note: Complete explanation here.

Tutorial Video: Test Update ESP8266 Spreadsheets https Redirect

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