sequence of assembly |
Emerging from its mobile state, the system utilizes different strategies of se- quencing assembly.
Hereby, either the structure can act passive with active agents expanding, climb- ing,manipulatingitsgrid-orthestructureitselfsfunctionsasactivator,transport- ing and lifting passive material along to enable reinforcements, extensions etc. Initially, mobile bodies assemble on the ground plane, building a solid base for vertical build up, utilizing systems of temporary scaffolds, 2d unfolded space- frame structures and sequenced choreographies of movement to position its parts.
unrolling of spatial structure |
Able to form a grid starting from the ground, both as initial position for its build up pro- cess and as a remaining fundament for cantilevering and vertical aggregations. Single bodies are coming together in a 2d unfolded version of their final structural grid on the ground, then using their transformational abilites to lift and build up to its spa- tial organization, resp reconfigure during its already half-build up sequence.
synchronized assembly | simultaneous macro-movements
Choreography of movement is main driver in the assembly process. movement is not necessarily synchronized, but can be triggered one after the other with currents being transported over the field, sharing one sequenced energy. Due to the limited lifting capabilities of a single unit - based on physical experi- ments of maximum cantilever - build up sequences are relying on ways of mul- tiple simultaneous choreographed local movements, resulting in global build up
lift up matter | movement of passive material by active agents in the grid
Following the cycle of evaluation and identifying of weak spots, transportation along existing structure is used for local interventions and reconfigurations. Using the existing structure as climbing frame to move freely and reach area of weakness units of reinforcement are being lifted among the levels or shifted linear along the grid, with two expanding units compensating one to shift on axis.
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