
NeuroLS System Version 3

A project log for NeuroLS System

Plug & Play Hardware + Software Interface for Real-Time DMX and MIDI control through brain signals

miguel-morenoMiguel Moreno 08/15/2018 at 23:010 Comments

The current objective of the NeuroLS System Version 3 is to change the oscillation between two colors depending on the predominant brain wave of each sensor.

Luckily the Muse EEG headband has Muse Tools, a software that receives the Muse Raw EEG Data, and processes it to Raw FFT, Absolute Band Powers, Relative Band Powers, etc (

In this case we receive the three Absolute Band Powers (Alpha, Beta, & Gamma) for each sensor (four in total).

Deltha and Theta brain waves were omitted since the nature of the headset doesn't allow the read this wave length properly.

After registering this data to arrays we can then determine the predominant brainwave for each sensor. 

Fig. I

Once determined, the predominant brainwave is "lit up" by a red rectangle under the brainwave switch, located on the upper left corner (Fig. II). This switch allows to see and change the two stored colors of each brainwave.

The user can then change the two stored colors through a set of three number boxes (RGB), one for each color. These number boxes, located on the bottom (Fig. II), range from 0 to 255. In addition, there is instant feedback showing the color over the number boxes.

Fig. II

Lastly, the waveform switch and time number box, located on the top middle (Fig. II), change the way these two colors oscillate. The waveform switch has five different waveforms:

The time number box allows to change the oscillation time in milliseconds.

All this also has an instant feedback, located in the upper right corner (Fig. II) where the oscillation between colors is visible.
