Quantity   Component name
1 × Computer Monitor Minimal Back-lighting is preferred, as are downward facing ports.
1 × Raspberry Pi A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was used in this build.
4 × Wooden Lumber 3" x 1"
8 × Wood Screws
1 × Gorilla Glue
1 × Picture Frame Any picture frame with a glass pane works for this. Try to match the size of the monitor
1 × Sheet of Mirror Film Match the size of the glass pane.
1 × Raspberry Pi Power Cable
1 × HDMI Cable
1 × Monitor Power Cable
1 × Flick HAT https://uk.pi-supply.com/products/flick-hat-3d-tracking-gesture-hat-raspberry-pi
1 × 2+ Way Power Cable
4 × Angle Brackets 2" x 2"
1 × Large Angle Brackets 4" x 4"