
First Prototype

A project log for OpenLiDAR

360 degrees 3D LiDAR project

robin-frjdRobin Fröjd 10/22/2018 at 09:210 Comments

So time for a small update on this project.

We have a the first prototype ready for testing (1-axis rotation with IR and Wireless power).

We made it bigger so we could fit all kinds of pre-built components within. We are using the IrDA2 click board for IR send / receive LidarliteV3 data between the Nodemcu´s.

First test is partly successful. While utilizing the USB on both Nodemcu´s the IR transfer is successful with 115.2kbit/s and data is returned successful.

If we try to power up the Nodemcu (the one that is placed inside the lidar head) and utilizing the power coils the serial mointor for the the other Nodemcu freezes (The one that is outside and connected over USB) and should receive the IR data from the head.

Maybe there is some interference from the Wireless power coils that destroys / interference with the TX/RX lines on the IrDA2 board communication. I would also need to check if the power is sufficient from the RX power coil.

Previous tests with simpler solutions worked without any problem when running over wireless coils and did not show any interference from the Power coils.

Here is a very simple sketch on how it’s connected:

Any suggestions? Please feel free to to leave a comment :slight_smile:
