As I need to try and connect up to four TMP112 sensors to my logger, I decided to make some breakout boards for them. Individual board will be around 6.5x3.5mm.
Address can be changed to one of 4 hex-values by a multi-solder bridge. I did not do fancy panelizing, instead I just chose 0.8mm board and added silkscreen lines where I need to cut the boards with a Dremel or knife:
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For the trouble of making a separate breakout, you might be better off putting a crystal on your main board for the system clock. I've been using vanilla Pro Mini boards to measure temperature to 0.0025°C or better using only the watchdog timer inside the mcu:
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Hi Edward and thanks for your comment!
The breakouts were just a test to connect three external sensors to my logger.
I want all three versions to use the same sensors without needing to calibrate it for each board.
At the moment I am standardizing my loggers to 2 or three versions of which each one has a special use-case.
The smallest one will be 18x13x6mm including battery with a runtime of 2 years logging one temperature every 15 minutes.
The beekeeping-season starts soon, so there is lots of new stuff coming!
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