
11 – final pictures

A project log for micropower micrologger [mPmL]

A set-and-forget I2C/digital datalogger. Size: 25.3x 18x 10mm incl. battery. Runtime: > 1year

janJan 09/29/2018 at 13:110 Comments

Updated – 01.10.2018

Here's a short video of the working logger.

click to play in new tab (hosted, not youtube)

Heeeeere we go!

Here are the final pictures of the device. What's missing in the pictures is the external sensor. The unit is fully functional nonetheless. I'll try to solder one external sensor in time to add a photo of that too.

mPmL - size compared to 1€ coin
mPmL - in shrink tubing
mPmL - built into frame
mPmL - built into frame. can't see it from above. exactly what we want!
comparison between versions. top to bottom: V1.1, V1.2, mPmL
