for years I've been dreaming with make a mini tracker, but components like modems and GPS/GNSS was too big for that project, in the last square inch contest I just stayed watching because in that moment was impossible fit all components in just one square inch, now I have this new opportunity and I introduce to all of you my one square inch tracker.
This device are very simple, everything starts when plug the usb, at this time the device starts to charge a battery through the TP4056 thats are configured for charge at 450mA, at the same time the whole circuit is feeded and microcontroller are ready for work.
Microcontroller operate Modem and GPS module.
When you plug usb to your computer the FTDI create a VCP so you can communicate with the microcontroller through a terminal like hyperterminal, putty, docklight... the commands for the device are not created yet, the idea is configure the device for first time, telling him ip address, port etc...
microcontroller knows the state of the battery(charging/standby), in the beginning the mcu could read battery voltage but I couldn't fits that in one square inch so...
well I think this is all about my device i hope some of you are interested on follow this project until the end and I have to thank you for come to see.
Hi Raul!
Very interesting project. Do you have any info on power consumption, accuracy etc? Are you planning on summarizing those things in a log some day?