
SD-Card in progress \o/

A project log for 6809 v2

A 6809-based project- a simple board that's intended for 6809 OS'es that run in 64k of memory and work with a serial console

david-woodDavid Wood 08/24/2018 at 02:521 Comment

As S-BUG is working reasonably now, The next step is to move on to SD-Card access.  @Dolo is generous enough to allow his SD-Card code to be used as a framework for the 6809v2 project.  Make sure you check his projects out.  Thanks Dolo!


6502Nerd wrote 08/24/2018 at 06:34 point

Good luck David and you are welcome! I will be interested to see how the 6502 code translates to 6809, I expect it will be a little more efficient. Cheers, Dolo 

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