The TMS9918 Video Display Processor has always fascinated me, ever since Steve Ciarcia wrote about it in Byte magazine in 1982. Fast forward many years, and now I have several of these devices to play with. The non-memory mapped VRAM is a particularly nice feature for small CPU's with limited address space - aka Retrocomputing. One aspect of the TMS9918 (and its cousins) that is not so nice is that it is intended to be used with dynamic RAM display memory. The TMS99x8, specifically, wants to be used with eight 4116 DRAM chips (16Kx1). These crusty devices are DIP-only and require three supply rails: +5V, -5V, and +12V. This is downright inconvenient. A single 32KB SRAM "cache RAM" chip requires only 5V, has double the capacity, and is available as both thru-hole and SMT.
I recently learned that 16K x 1 DRAM with built-in substrate bias generator exist. Mostek MK4516 are pin-pin compatible with 4116 DRAM but require no negative supply rail (pin 9 is no-connect). If can find 8 of these devices, you can use them in the original configuration found in the VDP datasheet.