
A winner is me! Top 20 in Hackaday Prize Musical Instrument Challenge!

A project log for Stylish!

A most stylish wearable music synthesizer! A real stylus based monophonic music synthesizer built into a giant trucker belt buckle!

t-b-trzepaczT. B. Trzepacz 10/17/2018 at 02:580 Comments

YaY! A winner is me!

Thank you everybody who "Like'd" "Stylish: The Trucker Belt Buckle Synthesizer" !

There is still a lot of work ahead!

If anybody hasn't "Like'd" it on the Hackaday site, please do so! Besides the (remote) possibility of placing in the top 5 of the Hackaday contest, there is still the chance for $5k in the Tindie manufacturing contest which judges on the 24th!

Because Stylish is designed to be a manufacturable product, and also a kit, I think I have a much better chance at this one than many of the other entries that are meant as a one-off, or are too big for the Tindie store.

So I'm gonna keep pushing on this!

