(warning: I have absolutely no musical ability. Absolutely. No. Musical. Ability.)
How it works:
- Record self playing Black Sabbath's Iron Man on a flute (recorder) imbued with the magic of Harry Potter, Gandalf and Avril Lavigne.
- Build Nicodemus by hacking an automatic cat feeder and installing a sound system so that it will dispense food and play music at the same time.
- Place Nicodemus in random places where there are lots of rats (Brooklyn) and dispense food while playing a recording of IRON MAN on the magic flute (recorder).
- This will train hoards of rats to associate Iron Man with food, allowing you to summon hordes of rats by playing the magic flute (recorder).
It is essential to use a magic flute (recorder), otherwise the horde of hungry rats will eat you alive. The combined magic of Harry Potter, Gandalf and Avril Lavigne is more than sufficient, but other magics might also be used.
Nicodemus incorporates a raspberry pi 3b, Pi camera, SDCard MP3/amplifier module and a motion sensor. The Cayenne IoT platform is used to create a remote dashboard from which the audio and food dispensing motor can be controlled. The dashboard also allows for real-time rat activity monitoring by way of streaming motion sensor data. Video from the hacked automatic cat feeder will be live streamed over YouTube.
If there is anyone in Brooklyn who wants to collaborate on this let me know - seeing it all the way through will take a lot of work and I have tons of competing projects. There is every reason to believe it will work; there have been tons of operant conditioning experiments done on rats that involved rewards associated with environmental cues like music. Rats were the experimental subjects of B.F. Skinner's (the guy who first systematized operant conditioning) original experiments. Nicodemus is essentially a Skinner Box. Imagine using the flute on the doorstep of Trump Tower or Wall street during an IPO!
Here is some relevant research/background:
- Operant Conditioning Chamber
- Music-induced context preference following cocaine conditioning in rats.
- Behavioral studies of auditory-visual spatial recognition and integration in rats.
- Processing of complex auditory stimuli (tunes) by rats and monkeys
- Rule Learning by Rats
- Sound tuning of amygdala plasticity in auditory fear conditioning
- Preference test of sound among multiple alternatives in rats

Nicodemus, the IoT Musical Hacked Automatic Cat Feeder

What is hope? Is it making the world a better place? Helping people? Inspiring people? I have built several projects for the Hackaday Prize that assume so - but what if I'm wrong. Consider that everyone you know and love will die and be forgotten - just as you will be. We live in a world defined by matter and energy interacting in a deterministic fashion according to fundamental laws of physics. In other words we are nothing more than a giant game of atomic pin ball with no more free will than a scientific calculator. Since we have no free will and no material significance, ethics and morality are nothing more than arbitrary conventions perpetuated by the world's most complex computers. And yet we persist... Why? Mostly by ignorance, but also by will. Life is absurd, but the first step towards freedom, even if it is an impossible freedom, is the recognition of absurdity. To stare into the abyss without flinching. Albert Camus once said "at the very bottom of life, which seduces us all, there is only...
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Hey Curt,
I did watch your video and immediately thought of the "Rattenfänger von Hameln" (Pied Piper of Hamelin). That's some funky stuff going on there!!!