
Day three hundred and purpledey something...

A project log for Project R

Project R(rrrr) is a low-budget research robot for the rest of us.

rudolphRudolph 06/28/2015 at 05:200 Comments

Truth be told, I've spent more time in the last couple weeks looking for a job instead of working on the robot. I did, however, get some work done on the software end. The arduino code I had made for scheduling tasks was rewritten to be a library, and to remove the MSTimer2 library dependency. That library is now available on my GitHub. And I did start fiddling with Ruprecht's code too; RChassis has been started over, even though there wasn't much there in the first place. I realized that with stepping down to a '328 I don't have enough PWM pins to use the Servo library too, so I need to change to the SoftwareServo library instead. I also have a couple of ideas of how I want to proceed with the chassis code. And I've got a pretty clear plan on how I want to go with the arms too. Since there's no job-ing to be done on a Sunday I figure to try and get some actual work done on old Ruprecht tomorrow, ideally both software and hardware.
