
Switch over to Arduino

A project log for Rethinking the Luminiferous Aether Detector

recent projects with quadrature encoders have inspired to look at this old project.

beaglebreathBeaglebreath 11/12/2018 at 07:490 Comments

Either the on-board power supply of the Raspberry Pi Zero W, does not like my circuit board, or maybe the copper pour on the circuit board is shielding the wifi maintaining reliable connection to my router, either way I got frustrated with the Raspberry Pi and wired in an Arduino Pro-Mini.

Running the code below and then using the serial monitor, the 16 bit signed integer output of the up down counter of the HTCL-2017.  

 int QuadCount; // 32 bit signed integer 
 byte HighByte; // 8 bit byte
 byte LowByte;  // 8 bit byte
void setup(){
  //setup three pins to control HCTL-2017 modes
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //SEL
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //OE
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //RESET
  //setup pins 2-9 as inputs from HCTL-2017 output bus
    for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
    pinMode(i, INPUT);
 //RESET HCTL-2017.  Reset counters to zero
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);  //SEL
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);  //OE
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);  //RESET
void loop(){
  HighByte = 0;
  LowByte = 0;
  //Stop counting, load high byte onto output pins
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);  //SEL
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);  //OE
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);  //RESET
  //read 8-bits from HCTL-2017 high byte.
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if (digitalRead(i+2) == 1) {
      HighByte |= (1<<i);
  //load low byte onto output pins
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);  //SEL
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);  //OE
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);  //RESET
  //read 8-bits from HCTL-2017 low byte.
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if (digitalRead(i+2) == 1) {
      LowByte |= (1<<i);
  //complete inhibit logic reset
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);  //SEL
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);  //OE
  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);  //RESET
  //count for a second
  QuadCount = word(HighByte, LowByte);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.println(QuadCount, BIN);

Took a little bit of tweeking to get it working, but it seems to work just fine.
