This clock is something I made a couple of years ago. It uses the neopixel rings from Adafruit, a 60cnt for the minutes and seconds and a 24 for the hours/half hours. It uses a DS3231 RTC breakout and a arduino mega, connected up on a proto pcb. The hours and minutes are set by photoresistors instead of switches. Every hour the color of the LED changes, and when the hour changes it does a simple LED show. The clock is powered by a USB power strip. The wood and numbers came from Micheals, stained and clear coated the wood as well. It has been hanging in my boys room since I made it. It keeps good time, except certain times of the year when the sun hits the wall just right it can be tricked into adjusting the time. I never personally caught it doing this, but it would be great one day then off a couple hours the next.
I would like to have the colors of the LEDs change with the season, for instance orange/purple for halloween, red/green for christmas, etc.
The New PCB working with the neopixel rings. Its just on a piece of cardboard for now. The clock does remember the time when powered down. The Time Setting buttons work properly.
Finally I got the first build using the new custom PCB put together and running. I was able to use a handheld router to cut the grooves for the LED rings, and the pocket for the PCB. I did a light stain on it, with a clear coat to protect the finish. I used two small #2 x 3.8" wood screws to secure the PCB to the clock. The power cable is not secured, but I routed a S curve on the back to guide it, it is not quite deep enough and the power cable is mounted a bit high so i think I will find some thing to clamp the cable down.
I've had it running for a few days now, the time seems to be keeping well. It does remember the time when unplugged so i think the RTC/battery is working well. The HRS and MIN adjustments work fine. The next one I build i will include a connector on the LED wires. The overall clock looks much better and is easier to build than the first that used Arduino PCBs and breakout PCBs.
I worked past some faulty neopixel's with new parts. The clock worked well, the every second worked, the minutes shifted and the hours lighted up. Next will be to get the time adjustments working, I replaced the photo resistors with switches. After that I need to figure out why the programming is not working with a FTDI adapter.
I got a pcb stuffed and modified the code to use the new rtc ic. It looks to work...but I did find 2 bad neopixels that prevent leds past them from working. I was able to see the seconds tic and the minutes as well. The neopixel are difficult to remove from a pcb. I have some new pixels coming and I borrowed a hot air desoldeting tool. I will try to fix the issues soon. Hope fully there are no other issues hiding.
This is a good looking project, good job!