• 1
    Download and install Raspbian Stretch image.

    Download the image from: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/.

    Use whichever method you are more comfortable with - NOOBS or RASPBIAN - to install and load the image onto a MicroSD card.

    In my case I am using Raspbian Stretch Lite. Downloaded and unzipped the image, and then used the Disks utility in Ubuntu Linux to restore the image onto the SD card.

  • 2
    Enable Ethernet over USB emulation (Pi Zero W only).

    This step is only applicable to Raspberry Pi Zero W, as Pi 3 does not have a USB OTG port.

    Additionally, if you have a monitor and keyboard connected to your Pi Zero W, you can also skip this step.

    Otherwise, with your SD card plugged into the PC, modify/create the following files:

    a) Go to the boot partition, open the config.txt file and add the following at the very end:


     b) Next, open the cmdline.txt file and add the following at the end of the line:


     c) Create an empty file called ssh.

  • 3
    Log into the Raspberry Pi.

    If you have a monitor and keyboard connected, simply log into the Pi with username pi and password raspberry.

    Otherwise, if using Ethernet over USB emulation (Pi Zero W only), do the following:

    a)  Make sure Avahi/Bonjour service is running. If you are on Mac or Linux, it most likely is. On Windows, download and install iTunes - it comes bundled with Bonjour.

    b) Connect the Pi to your PC via USB cable. Use the USB port labelled "USB" on the Pi (not the "PWR IN" one).

    c) Open a terminal application in your PC and log into the Pi using ssh (use PuTTY or similar on Windows):

    ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

    Password is the same as above.