Couldn't take a picture with my phone.  The screen showed white block where the text should be.

Their scroller example from looks like:

10 let i=0
20 color 14,12
30 clrscr
40 setxy i,0
50 print " Scroller"
60 i=i+1
70 wait 150
80 if i<32 then goto 40
90 color 15,0

They explain that the space in front of the word Scroller erases the  character in that position.

The edited code starts the text off of the screen and scrolls it to the right off of the screen.  Perhaps I should put more REM(ark) lines so you could see what I am doing, or why.

5 cursor 0
10 let i=0
20 color 14,12
30 clrscr
35 gosub 200
40 setxy i,6
41 color 14,0
42 print " "
43 color 14,12
50 print "fiddler"
60 i=i+1
70 wait 100
80 if i<33 then goto 40
85 gosub 500
90 color 15,0
95 cursor 1
97 cls
100 end
200 setxy 0,6
210 print "r"
215 wait 100
220 setxy 0,6
230 print "er"
240 wait 100
250 setxy 0,6
260 print "ler"
270 wait 100
280 setxy 0,6
290 print "dler"
300 wait 100
310 setxy 0,6
320 print "ddler"
330 wait 100
340 setxy 0,6
350 print "iddler"
360 wait 100
370 setxy 0,6
380 print "fiddler"
390 wait 100
400 return
499 rem Off the Right Side
500 setxy 33,6
504 color 14,0
505 print " "
506 color 14,12
510 print "fiddle"
520 wait 100
530 setxy 34,6
534 color 14,0
535 print " "
536 color 14,12
540 print "fiddl"
550 wait 100
560 setxy 35,6
564 color 14,0
565 print " "
566 color 14,12
570 print "fidd"
580 wait 100
590 setxy 36,6
594 color 14,0
595 print " "
596 color 14,12
600 print "fid"
610 wait 100
620 setxy 37,6
624 color 14,0
625 print " "
626 color 14,12
630 print "fi"
640 wait 100
650 setxy 38,6
654 color 14,0
655 print " "
656 color 14,12
660 print "f"
670 wait 100
680 setxy 39,6
684 color 14,0
690 print " "
700 wait 100
710 return

It prints fiddler because I'm a fiddler in a band and a violinist in the orchestra.  Fiddler morphed into fid years ago while playing Quake Capture The Flag and Rocket Arena. 

Adding ->

To make the scroll run continuously I added the following lines:

87 i = 0
88 goto 30

I then change the lines 20 and 30 to read what the other had.

20 clrscr
30 color 14,12

There is a problem when you press BRK to get out of the program that the cursor is still turned off. To turn it back on you enter

cursor 1

from any blank line.