

An IR led transmits an encoded bit pattern which is modulated at 38Khz and is decoded at the reciever end using TSOP1838 on LPC2148.

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We are using LPC2148 on the transmitter as well as on the reciever. At the transmitting end we are using three switches. Corresponding to each switch IR led transmits a different encoded bit pattern which is modulated at 38Khz. At the reciever end we use a TSOP1838 sensor to decode these patterns and respectively implement a particular functionality.
To modulate the output of IR led we are using the concept of timers in LPC2148. Whenever a switch is pressed on the transmitting end, an external interrupt is raised by TSOP1838 at the reciever.
The program is written in embedded C using Keiluvision 4.

IR led generates different bit pattern corresponding to a particular switch.
Switch 1 - 1010

Switch 2- 1110

Switch 3- 1100

Logic 0 - A pulse burst of 0.7msec followed by 0.3msec space. Symbol size = 1msec

Logic 1 - A pulse burst of 0.7msec followed by 1.3msec space. Symbol size = 2msec


transmitter code

C Source File - 3.79 kB - 11/26/2018 at 09:40



reciever code

C Source File - 1.52 kB - 11/26/2018 at 09:40


pattern detection using IR(transmitter).sch

schematic of transmitter

sch - 578.58 kB - 11/26/2018 at 06:42


pattern detection using IR(reciever).sch

schematic of reciever

sch - 240.16 kB - 11/26/2018 at 06:41


  • 2 × LPC2148 SOC
  • 1 × IR LED To transmit bit pattern
  • 1 × TSOP1838(SENSOR) To detect bit pattern
  • 4 × LED To display output
  • 5 × 4K RESISTORS

  • Project Status

    Pragya Choudhary11/26/2018 at 06:27 0 comments

    The transmitter side has been successfully implemented. We are able to modulate the IR led at 38Khz and are able to encode a particular bit pattern which is also received by the receiver TSOP1838. The images taken on the DSO for different bit patterns have been attached. We are able to perform required functionality for one pattern however we are still working on how to distinguish the different patterns of decoded output of the receiver.

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