

iPrunes is my attempt at an indoor aquaponic garden. I wanted to design a fruitful unit that was compact, adaptable and aesthetic.

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iPrunes is my attempt at an indoor aquaponic garden. I wanted to design a fruitful unit that was compact, adaptable and aesthetic. The design for me also had to be easily replicated and re definable as technology advances. The design used open source materials & manufacturing techniques which are widely available in makerspaces globally.

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Product Overview

I've used perspex/acrylic to create a manifold which allows water to enter and exit 3D printed growing pods. The pods connect to the manifold through a SnapQuik coupling; these are detachable water tight push connectors. The unit is then framed using 20X20 V_Slot extruded aluminium profile. The frame also houses an aquarium where the water pump and filter are submerged, iPrunes uses a 4 channel relay to control the three actuators; a pump, filter and grow light. The relay's are wired to a pi via a PCB which can also allow senor's to measure the systems input's if required.

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