
Commodore 64 on an FPGA

A project log for Silly hardware wishlist

Too simple for a project page & which may never happen.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 08/19/2022 at 05:510 Comments

The thought occurred that you could emulate a commodore 64 on a Papilio Pro board.  It could emulate storage with USB.  There was a guy who emulated just a SID chip on a lower end Papilio One, in 2011.

Jeri Ellsworth emulated the entire thing on an FPGA back in 2004.

Despite this, the internet doesn't have anything for complete commodore 64's on a papilio pro.  The mane problem lions have had is the Vice emulator always crashing.  The problem with either fixing vice or making an FPGA version from scratch is a commodore 64 is useless.
