Realtalk: I thought I'd probably send an idea in, grab some likes and then forget to actually build it :D Not this time though - I was determined to build this and make it work. I still need to show that the buttons work and replace the oled, because it's broken.
It was important to me that you can see all the "air wires" and that they not hide behind parts - except for the battery holder I managed to do exactly that. Otherwise I could have made it a bit more compact.
I'm also a cheap person, so I didn't solder in an Attiny85 but a DIP socket. That also helped with programming and testing it, without attaching any debug wires.
I like handhelds - but actually not like to game that often. It's just the thing itself that fascinates me.
For other hardware versions checkout this:
I knew him before he was famous! :)
Nice vid!