
FossaSat-1, Open Source Satellite

Creating a free & open source global IoT network, democratizing access to space by miniaturizing aerospace systems.

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Set to launch in Q3 of 2019, FossaSat-1 will be Spain’s first satellite launch by a non-government led organization or company. FossaSat-1 is the next advancement in picosatellite technology, sized at only 5x5x5cm and weighing only 250g, it will be one of the smallest satellites ever launched into space.

This new pocketqube form factor allowed by the recent development in smartphone electronics will create a new satellite market never seen before, where satellites such as FossaSat-1 are being developed and launched into orbit for under EUR 30000, truly democratizing access to space for individuals, educational institutes and companies worldwide.

FossaSat-1 will provide free and open source IoT communications for the globe using inexpensive LoRa modules, where anyone will be able to communicate with a satellite fusing modules found online for under 5€ and basic wire mono-pole antennas.

The satellite is being developed by Fossa Systems, a non-profit juvenile association based in Madrid. The satellite is set to launch in Q2 of 2019 and will transmit LoRa and RTTY signals for anyone to receive using inexpensive LoRa modules, information on how to build these receivers will soon be published.

Specific information on each subsystem is explained in the github, a blog is maintained here.

All contributions are welcome and we are currently looking for software developers and machinists!

The satellite is based on an Atmega 328P-AU micro-controller, it uses an SX1278 transceiver as its main means of telecommunications. The EPS system is based on 3 SPV1040 MPPT chips.

  • Built and Integrated

    Julian Fernandez09/10/2019 at 17:44 0 comments

    FossaSat-1 has been built, tested and integrated into the deployer awaiting a launch in the following months. See you in space!  github soon to be updated with final flight code and hardware designs. Seen below are some pictures of the process. 

    Final flight model of FossaSat.1
    Solar panels being assembled.
    Satellite in TVAC chamber.
    Satellite in MGSE for mechanical vibration  tests
    Building interior assembly
    Open version of the interior PCB stack 

    Satellite in testing facility.

    Comms / OBC Board

    Integration model vs open model
    Interior Stack of the satellite.


  • One Step closer!

    Julian Fernandez07/07/2019 at 14:13 0 comments

    Back with another update after several weeks! FossaSat-1 progress is coming along nicely and I am proud to announce we have started construction of the flight models. Final thermovacuum and vibration testing is being carried out the 17th of July and integration of the satellite is being done in early September for a launch in October.

    SInce pictures are worth more than 1000 words, i'll leave it up to them to tell the story and current state of the project :)

    - Satellite Holder for assembly (starting next week)

    - LACADIO URJC Cleanroom where FossaSat-1 is being built by 16 year-old Julian Fernandez.

    Network analyzer testing of FossaSat-1, VSWR of 1.04 Achieved! 

    28% efficient gallium arsenide cells, a total of 233 here totalling 7.8W and being just enough for 2 FossSat-1 flight models

    Alumnium Shakerbox for random and sinusoidal vibration of FossaSat-1

    Finished electronics of FossaSat-1. Seen below are the EPS and COMMs/OBC boards. The EPS is based on the SPV1040 MPPT controller and the TC1262 LDO. OBC/Comms is based on the Atmega 328P-AU as CPU, SX1268T with TCXO as transciever, TMP100 Temperature sensor, INA 226 Current and voltage sensor, MAX6369 Watchdog for SEU protection, TPS2553 for SEL protection and various mosfets for deployment of solar panels and antennas.

  • Going forward!

    Julian Fernandez06/01/2019 at 15:23 0 comments

    Hello Everyone, @EA4HCD here!

    Just wanted to inform everyone on Hackaday that the project is progressing as planned, we will be starting to assemble the final Flight models in the clean room in a couple of weeks and have just received our IARU frequency spectrum allocation for LoRa of 125kHz. We will soon be publishing extensive guides on how to decode from FossaSat-1! 

    A shoutout to Jan Gromes for developing SX1262 support for RadioLib which will fly into space!

    Excuse the lack of updates, have not had much time!

    We post weekly updates on our twitter @FossaSys

    Here a are some pictures of our progress so far, more to come!


    Solar Panel Hinges:

    Spanish LoRa record we accomplished using a weather balloon.

View all 3 project logs

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spycrab wrote 07/14/2023 at 05:39 point

did this ever get launched?

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Johnny wrote 04/20/2019 at 21:32 point

Do You think about to use efficiency JT65 or FT8 modulation and Hoffman table tree alphabet code to boost and speed communication? Do You already develop some communication protocol according to best using power and efficiency of this satellite?

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KD9KCK wrote 12/25/2018 at 23:46 point

Nice a secondly fully open source sat!

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Julian Fernandez wrote 12/26/2018 at 20:44 point


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i2NDT Claudio wrote 12/09/2018 at 11:38 point

Hi Julian!

did you already choose the frequencies?

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Julian Fernandez wrote 12/09/2018 at 11:40 point

Hey Claudio, we are working in the UHF Amateur Satellite band (435-438 MHz) and are currently coordinating with the IARU.

  Are you sure? yes | no

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