
Project Still Alive!

A project log for PolyMod 2: modular digital synthesizer

New, improved version of the PolyMod modular digital synthesizer, which was a Hackaday Prize semi-finalist in 2018.

matt-bradshawMatt Bradshaw 03/13/2019 at 22:120 Comments

Just thought I'd do a quick update to affirm that PolyMod 2 is still alive and (reasonably) well. I've been working on a few less ambitious projects recently, but they've all helped build up the skills I will need to develop PolyMod 2.

I've also done lots of thinking about how to move forward with PolyMod 2. I have come up with a few answers, but also a lot of questions. My main question is: to what extent should I piggy-back on the existing Eurorack standard?

Should I design my master module to be powered by a Eurorack ribbon cable? Should I make it easy to house PolyMod modules alongside Eurorack modules, meaning I don't really have to worry about case design (I can use an existing Eurorack case)? Should I abandon the push fit system in favour of ribbon connectors?

Frankly, these are the questions of someone who has just bought the first parts of a Eurorack system and is now trying to make sure PolyMod 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel for the sake of it. I'm increasingly convinced that I should make PolyMod 2 complement a Eurorack setup rather than be a separate beast. My friend played with the synth and his first response was: "Cool! Can it connect to Eurorack?". To which my answer, having now thought about it for a while, is... yes, it could, and that would be great.

Ramble over.
