A spider was sitting at center of her web.
Waiting for diner to be served while listening to music.
To feel or not to feel vibrations, for her was the question.
The version 2 of spider web music box is almost completed. What a hell it was to work by hand soldering those 0805 SMD glued on the wood rim. Really happy it is done now and it works.
This version as 4 red and 4 green LEDs glued to the RIM. They blink with music in an alternating pattern. The heart beat LED and its limiting resistor are glued on the MCU. Now the heart beat rate is related to music tempo.
Sorry for bad quality video but I'm not equiped for that.
The circuit is assembled on the cone of a 4" speaker. The microcontroller, an 8 pins SOIC, is suspended in center with 30 AWG wires going out from it to circumference. An octogonal wooden rim glued to the speaker support the components and the spider web.
On power on a tune is played then the microcontroller fall asleep. In sleep mode it draw less than 1 µA.
Pressing resset button wake up to play the next tune in the list then fall asleep again. At each press of the reset button the next tune in play list is executed. At end of list the pointer is reset to beginning.