Special thanks to Spence Konde for making the Micronucleus bootloader a standard option in his ATtiny core. Follow these instructions to add this core to the Arduino IDE:
After a successful install you will find the new boards under Tools -> Boards, and select ATtiny84a (Micronucleus / California STEAM).
You might have to install the Micronucleus drivers manually. See for more information the Quick Gotcha list:
ATtiny84a pin-out:
I'm catching an error from the Arduino IDE when I use the new json file to install your board ...
"Error downloading https://www.adafruit.com/package_adafruit_index.json
Warning: non trusted contribution, skipping script execution (C:\Users\randa\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\californiasteam\tools\micronucleus\2.0a4\post_install.bat)"