The case for the unit is a 3-segment, 3D-Printed set of parts that hold the battery compartment, LEDs, and the acrylic sheet itself that was modeled in Blender 3D.
There are currently two units. The first one was printed as a filled-in enclosure that I had experimented with covering in PlastiDip.

It took longer than I would like to print, and I was having trouble getting a smooth coating on the sides of the cylinder, so I moved to the design seen in the model, where there is a lot of open space that can be covered with a vinyl wrap.

The piece of acrylic in the picture above is scratch piece that I tested a couple of different methods for imaging on. Specifically, I had attempted to frost it, and also scored a pattern into it with my vinyl cutter to see how each would look.
Lastly, I have a set of PCBs that were ordered from JLCPCB.

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