
Fermentation temperature control

Using scrap PC components, create a device to stabilize wine fermentation.

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This project addresses two issues. Creating a space for fermenting wine and secondly, building a temperature controlled enclosure for fermenting wine.
Conmponents include peltier heat/cool device, PC fans and heat exchangers, LC Display, pushbutton switches, temperature sensor, an insulated box, and an Arduino.
Wine is best fermented at a stable temperature; 48-58F for white and 70-85F for red. Within these ranges are narrower ranges for specific yeasts. It coluld be a yeast likes 79F +-1 degree.( a range of 78F-80F) This project would allow an operator to set high and low temp points. Once in operation, it would keep the interior of an insulated box at a near constant temperature. Box is of a size to hold one 5 gallon carboy.
Identified issues. Will peltier devices have the capacity to create a temperature differential sufficient to maintain lower range temperatures (48F)?

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