This project was intended to be a quicky with stuff I had on-hand. As such, you might prefer to do things differently.
The goal was to see if I could do something 'interesting' with the Nixie clock I have, which also has a serial port. Just hooking it up to the computer isn't particularly interesting, but somehow putting it on the network does seem more interesting. Maybe just because I can futz with it when I want to, perhaps via the web, without having to pull out adapters and cables and serial tty programs.
The goal was also to waste this holiday on a project that could ostensibly be done by end-of-day, before I have to get back to work and explain myself. I mostly fulfilled this goal. Practically, it will take another day to recover from a hardware mishap (or misapprehension, more like it). And then of course I can fiddle with the software forever. But yes, I did successfully waste the day.