
Reverse Engineering

A project log for Saturn-5 LVDC Module Clock

A digital 7-segment clock reusing some logic of a Saturn-5 rocket flight computer module

paul-kocylaPaul Kocyla 02/07/2019 at 11:520 Comments

With a multimeter and and some time I was able to find the following structure:

It looks like a gigantic Diode-AND gate. The diodes have a common anode. I couldn´t find any isolated diodes or transistors.

What else could it be? Maybe a clock distribution circuit where the clock is decoupled by diodes? Or was it used for driving core memory? I don´t know.

However, I will stop the reverse engineering here, as it´s already enough in the circuit to be used in the clock. I will use the AND structure to flip the clock from 59 to 00.
