
Example Code

A project log for LoRaNicator

A wireless telecommunications device, based on LoRa technology, that receives and displays alphanumeric messages.

5volt-junkie5Volt-Junkie 03/25/2019 at 18:320 Comments

Some people asked if I already published the LoRaNicator source code. At the moment I don't have a LoRaNicator specific code. There are just two example codes merged together and modified . The RFM95 example code from Adafruit und the display example code from u8g2 lib.

See Adafruit Tutorial for a transmitter setup.

If you still want to see my actual code, you can find a snippet here

That's it!

For tests with RTC, SD-Card, navigation switch etc, I just used Arduino example codes.

I'm not a programmer and my source code for AVR microcontrollers was always bad. Now, the SAMD21 is completely new for me and I've to figure out a couple of things and have to RTFM ;-)
