
Working on the Monitoring App and MA Thesis

A project log for Unfolding Space

Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People

jakob-kilianJakob Kilian 04/27/2020 at 21:431 Comment

Hey folks. This is just a very short update to keep you in the loop:

I am still working on this project – du to covid I do have even more time to put into the project. But at the same time I need to get the scientific part of my MA thesis done. Therefore I am eagerly reading literature and papers around the topic and preparing a little study with the device that hopefully takes place end of the year or so... No one knows how long this virus will take.

For this I am preparing an app, that is remotely connected to the Raspi via UDP over Wifi, which allows me to see all the data, settings, bugs etc. This was an important step for me to boost the debugging process and to be able to support people with their first contact with the device (as I can see, what they "see" or feel...). So here is a small Screenshot to show you my work in progress... I am pretty happy about this already as the connection is stable at 25fps :-) 


Jason Cho wrote 04/28/2020 at 03:55 point


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