
Halloween Porch Prop

A motion-activated halloween prop that plays music, blinks lights and remotely triggers jump scares

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I decided to up my Halloween game this year, and I started to build a prop that will play Halloween themed songs and sound effects, but could be remotely triggered with an IR remote to play jump scares. The box would also have a PIR sensor to trigger playing a certain audio file that would alert me to approaching *visitors*.

I would combine this with my Adafruit Trinket powered Jack-o-lantern, and mist-making prop to increase the scary atmosphere.
  • 1 × Arduino Pro Mini
  • 1 × PAM8403 Audio ICs / Audio Amplifiers
  • 1 × DFPlayerMini MP3 MP3 player with microSD slot
  • 2 × Speakers 3 W 8 Ohm
  • 1 × Wooden Box

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