
MINHF4, An STM32F4 Arduino Compatible Board

A feather-like STM32F4 with Arduino Compatible

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Hello Everyone, this is my first project on Hackaday.

MINHF4 is an Arduino-compatible in a Feather form factor.

I have been using Adafruit Feather M0 and I absolutely love it. However, it needs some upgrades that I think it is worth it:

First, the main controller is an ATSAMD21G18, a pretty powerful microcontroller, but it does not have 5V Tolerant Pins. This can be an issue when I want it to directly connect it to 5V devices such as HC SR04.

Second, it uses an AP2112K LDO. This is not very efficient when using it with LIPO or LI-Ion Battery.

Third, in case of me wanting to go low level programming, or just debugging purpose, I have to buy a separate SWD Programmer such as Atmel ICE or JLINK. And Atmel ICE only supports its SAM variants.

That's why I created this project: the MINHF4

The main microcontroller used in MINHF4 is an STM32F411CE; it runs at 100MHz, has 128kB RAM and 512kB Flash and use ARM - Cortex M4F. Except PA0, PA4, PA5 and PB5 pins, the rests are 5V Tolerant. It is better if I want to directly connect it to 5V devices such as HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor.

Instead of using an LDO on Feather system, MINHF4 has a buck - boost converter, TPS63000. It is more efficient and suitable for battery powered projects.

MINHF4 has a built-in SWD Programmer, a Black Magic Probe. It eliminates the need of using separate programmer/debugger.

I am currently working on finishing the support for Arduino IDE which is based on the Arduino Core STM32 from ST. I will release a beta version of JSON link soon.

In the future, I will try to get it supported in MicroPython since STM32F411 is supported by STMHAL port.

This is just one of my little projects when I feel bored in school. 

Because of that, I do not manufacture and sell this board. But if anyone interested in this, feel free to download and use my design.

All of my design files are included in this project. Also, I would like to see some suggestions in naming the board because MINHF4 sounds strange to me .

P/s: This is my first time posting a project in Hackaday, so I am pretty much a newbie in here, and English is not my first language.


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MINHF4 Schematic.pdf

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Andrey V wrote 07/18/2019 at 18:29 point

Do you calculate LDO efficiency? I think 4V to 3.3 LDO efficiency is around 75% for typical current consumption of STM32F4. Your TPS63000 has efficiency around 77%. Why do you use it? Also, you can clean the boards with mixture ZIPPO liquid 50% and isopropyl alcohol 50%. Works like a charm.

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minh7a6 wrote 09/12/2019 at 22:01 point

Sorry for extremely late reply. But what happened when the power input is below 3.3V? TPS63000 offers buck boost converter when the power is below 3.3V. And some batteries can still operate below 3.3V. I use this to provide a stable 3.3V supply to the MCU, so some of the calculation depends on power input can be unchange.

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Andrey V wrote 09/13/2019 at 04:13 point

ATSAMD21G18 works from 1.62V)

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minh7a6 wrote 09/13/2019 at 04:26 point

Yes of course, even STM32F411CE used in this board can run as low as 1.7V, but it is better to provide a safe 3.3V when running with different modules on 3.3V rail or pinout. Because I can't safely assume that all of the modules inside or outside Feather ecosystem gonna work lower than 3.3V. Since this voltage is standard in Feather, it is better to keep this voltage even if you run on battery for your project. :))

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Just4Fun wrote 04/16/2019 at 07:04 point

This is interesting... I was curious to see what did you put inside the F103... and the BMP is really a great idea... :-)

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fredmatic1 wrote 02/16/2019 at 01:09 point

Are you going to offer the boards for sale? Count me in for one......

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Dusan Petrovic wrote 02/15/2019 at 22:55 point

Congrats on your first project! Well done! We're really glad you're here...

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