What you Need
1. InvIoT U1 board from InvIoT.com
2. a FDTI232 USB to UART programmer or any other programmer
3. TEA5767 module with amplifier and antenna
4. latest version of arduino IDE
5. Library for U1. Download the latest library from U1 library. Online manual, more examples and help for the library can be found here.
Connect, find sketch, edit sketch, upload sketch
1. connect FTDI
2. install latest version of arduino IDE and the InvIoT library. Info on how to install can be found at InvIoT.com 'software setup'
3. on arduino IDE goto File->Examples->InvIoT->g. Applications->FM Radio
4. Edit the sketch to set your region settings (example start frequency 87.9, end frequency 107.9, step 0.2)
5. press upload