
rosco_m68k classic 2.1 production QA looks good!

A project log for rosco_m68k

A full-featured Motorola 68k retro computer, starring a 68010 running at 10MHz

ross-bamfordRoss Bamford 11/08/2021 at 22:010 Comments

Following my previous log about the first 2.0 prototype boards, I found a few small issues after receiving them. I'm happy to report these are all now fixed, and I have the new production candidate boards (r2.1) back from the fab. I've populated a couple for QA testing and so far everything is looking pretty good!

I also have the new Xosera production candidate boards, so keep an eye on the store for some exciting new stuff coming very soon!

In the meantime, here's a close-up of the latest 2.1 boards up and running :) 

And a boot with the 2.0 firmware, with output via Xosera (grabbed with an HDMI capture card, the inset shows the UART output)
