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A project log for Very large LED Display

Build 8.2 ft Serial Addressable LED Display. Will be used to display message and basic animation. Leading 4H club project

hamblinjoehamblin.joe 08/09/2019 at 02:530 Comments

The big day is finally here.  After months of building and testing.  I have the LED mounted in the barn.  I have combined two code bases, one that does the text scrolling using neopixel and the other one that does some animation using FastLED.  Had some problems getting the scroll speed up where it needed to be.  Most of this was due to the way the Arduino Due was polling the USB Host for keyboard input.  It was polling each time through the loop.  I do not have the USB keyboard working at this time.  It worked fine on the Uno and Mega but due to memory limitations I had to move the Due.  I have not been able to get I2C working on the Due so far.  I had to prioritize, had limited time, the most critical item was increasing the scroll speed.

   As I've said before this is a 4H project.  I will upload a picture of the kids standing under the LED matrix early this week.

8ft 2in of LEDs, 14 rows, 150 LED each.   total 2100
