
Sawppy the Rover remake

Remake of Motorized model of Mars rovers Curiosity, Mars 2020 by Roger Cheng

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Copy&Paste from Roger Cheng's original Project:
"Sawppy is a motorized model whose layout and proportion mimics that of Mars rovers Curiosity and Mars 2020. It faithfully reproduces the suspension kinematics of real rovers and is intended to be a hardware platform for future software projects in autonomous operation."

Rebuilding this awesome project, adding some more gadgets. The reason for building this one is to improve my mechanical skills and learning more Python scripting in a real project.

Based on Roger's original project for SAWPPY:

Mechanical build is straight forward due to very detailed instructions. 

In my case, I used a "Anycubic i3 Mega" Printer and PETG filament from Amazon. Since it was the first time I worked with PETG it needed lots of testing to figure out working settings on my printer. At the end of the day everything went fine and totally confident PETG as a solid material.

I’m just figuring out Hackaday itself, so updates and more informations will come step by step ;)


Short Clip of Sawppy's first ride in a natural environment. Just testing behaviour on different surfaces like grass, sand and of course functionality of the suspension (which worked very well!). Riding on concrete is kinda difficult. That leads me to some thoughts for a improvement of the wheels....

MPEG-4 Video - 11.03 MB - 04/23/2019 at 11:24


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  • Sawppy's first ride

    Martin04/23/2019 at 11:35 0 comments

    Used the nice weather in Germany for a test driving in the nature. Went very well! just noticed some minor problems in mechanics, which will be improved later. First I need to clean up Sawppy :-D

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RCP1 wrote 04/08/2020 at 19:02 point

Hi there,

nice rebuild! I also want to build one. Do you mind if you could tell me, how you acquired the aluminum extrusions? As far as I know Misumi in Europe does not deliver to private buyers, only to corporations.

This is my current dead end, since I was not yet able to find another supplier for the 15x15 beams with the same slot dimensions. Can you give me a hint? Thanks in advance!

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Ameer wrote 04/14/2020 at 22:23 point

I ordered them last week and they came a few days later from Misumi USA, from Torrance, CA.

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Ameer wrote 02/08/2020 at 22:07 point

Hi there. I was reading on Roger's project and I wanted to know the difference of camera functions between this rover and Roger's original. What would you say the main difference / functionality would be?

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ap-tech wrote 04/23/2019 at 13:17 point

That thing looks awesome!

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Mike Szczys wrote 04/22/2019 at 17:21 point

This is so cool! I'm a huge fan of the project @Roger  has been working on for a few years and glad to see there's going to me more than one in the world.

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Martin wrote 04/23/2019 at 10:55 point

Hi @Mike Szczys ! Thanks for your comment! You're absolutely right: This is an amazing project he created! I can barely imagine how much effort and energy he spent in developing Sawppy. I'm very thankful he shared his knowledge.

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Roger wrote 06/20/2019 at 18:41 point

You're very welcome! And thank you for sharing your rover's progress online, seeing Sawppy siblings pop up around the world is tremendously rewarding.

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