
Sepio's version of Thor upper parts

A project log for Building the Thor robot

Building a 6-axis robot based on the Thor robot. When size DOES matter!

olaf-baeyensOlaf Baeyens 12/11/2017 at 00:393 Comments

Started to print the Thor upper part I have found created by Sepio:

I needed to reprint the part because I need cooling, and it is a great way to test NGEN how it performs with bigger objects.

I like Sepio's upper part, it looks easier to assemble and has a fan included to cool the upper part.

The Art 3 lower body. 0.3 mm layer heights, Simplify3D estimated this a 7H job but it turned out to be 8H45. You can see the support structures that actually came off very easily.

Inner part of Art 3 lower body.

The day before I tested 3 different materials I received on Friday.

I started with the part that guaranteed failed every single time I used ABS.

All 3 jobs are 2 hours printing.

Top parts

Bottom parts

That test concluded me to go for NGEN when I print parts for Thor.


Sepio wrote 12/11/2017 at 11:55 point

Are you going to build 3 robot arms ;-)

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Olaf Baeyens wrote 12/11/2017 at 12:38 point

One is enough, this was just a test.

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Sepio wrote 12/11/2017 at 12:41 point

I just uploaded the latest version of the arm. Look at build log 20. 

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