
VR Prelimutens 3D Desktop

Place windows apps to a limitless 3D Virtual space. Use an android based 3D Headset for viewing. Controll it with a 5 button mouse.

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With VR Prelimutens Desktop begins a new era. You can place your windows in a limitless and free space. You can use any OS’es, even more than one at the same time. Arrange different computers’ windows in a single 3D place.
This is Not a windows desktop in the 3D! This is windows apps in the 3D area.
You can use same place simultaneously with others, see their avatars and what they are doing at the moment.
Primarily, this application provides help with your work. Develop together while you are working on different files - you only need turn your head to see what the others are doing. If this is not enough we still have plans, knowledge and fantasy.

This is an alpha stage preview.
Works with windows and Android.
Need lot of works... for the Beta version.

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This project started as a personal need. I hate the small desktop area. And I extend my screen with some monitors, but... 

I saw there are 3D virtual desktops but these based only a screenshot from the desktop to a 3D space. So this is not enough for me.

I want to work in the 3D space without limits.

This project is an alpha stage only. There are lot of problems and need programmers or any support for this idea bring to life and catch the 1.0 version.

  • 1 × 5 button mouse
  • 1 × Android phone (6.0) with 3D VR Headset
  • 1 × Windows server application
  • 1 × Android client application
  • 1 × Network (WiFi) for communication

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