Hey, what's up, guys? Akarsh here from CETech. This PCB also has an OLED display and 3 relays which are connected to the ESP32. You can do anything with the code and control the relays using LoRa/WiFi/Bluetooth. So, in short, this project has an ESP32 which can give WiFi/Bluetooth functionality, LoRa module, OLED display and 3 relays. Possibilities with the code are endless. I have also added a prototyping area where you can add sensors or additional relays to the ESP32 which is also accessible. This is a type of part 2 of a project. So for any control system like this one you need a remote to control the things.
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km conroller.zip
Gerber file
x-zip-compressed -
428.28 kB -
04/20/2019 at 14:38
This PCB also has an OLED display and 3 relays which are connected to the ESP32. You can do anything with the code and control the relays using LoRa/WiFi/Bluetooth. So, in short, this project has an ESP32 which can give WiFi/Bluetooth functionality, LoRa module, OLED display and 3 relays. Possibilities with the code are endless. I have also added a prototyping area where you can add sensors or additional relays to the ESP32 which is also accessible.
This is a type of part 2 of a project. So for any control system like this one you need a remote to control the things.
3) My PCB design: I have included the Gerber file below.
For the last two parts if you have difficulty in finding them out you can message/email me and either I can help you find it in your area or I can ship them to you if you wish.
Get PCBs for Your Project Manufactured
You must check out JLCPCB for ordering PCBs online for cheap!
You get 10 good quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for 2$ and some shipping. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. To design your own PCB head over to easyEDA , once that is done upload your Gerber files onto JLCPCB to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time.