
Test prints and laser-cut mica:

A project log for Mica Sunglasses

Muscovite Optics

david-troetschelDavid Troetschel 08/09/2019 at 00:410 Comments

The prints came out well:

I then got the laser-cutter settings dialed in for cutting the mica. Thankfully this works though, could save a lot of tooling costs.

I also cut the polarizing film after correcting some dimensions.

I screwed up cutting the next mica sample.

Assembly was relatively easy.

I haven't removed the films, cleaned anything etc.

I need to figure out the nose pads still.
Compared to the previous prototype, the lenses are small but the viewing region seems comfortable.

Once I've got it presentable I'll do more in depth photos.

The shown model dubbed "Rund" has the most stiffness of all current designs and so I went with it first.
