
The Mystery of the Missing Power Pins in KiCad

A project log for Recreating the Jupiter Ace

Recreation of the 'Fastest computer in the Universe' that runs FORTH.

cees-meijerCees Meijer 06/27/2019 at 20:145 Comments

After I placed most of the ICs on the PCB, mostly according to the original layout, I started to try and route them. And by following the routes by looking at images of the original PCB it seemed quite simple. But when routing what looked like power and ground it suddenly struck me that two pins on both corners were connected. Since I have worked a lot with ICs of the 7400 series in the past I knew that most of them had Vcc and GND on two outer corner pins so this did not seem right.

7400 Power pins

A closer look at the traces that connected the corners also showed that these did not have a net name. On the schematic there are also no power pins for any of the 74xx  chips. But all Kicad guides that I could find also mentioned that power pins for logic chips are always hidden, and automatically connected to  VCC and GND. There is a 'Show  Hidden pins' button, but clicking it does not reveal any pin on a 74xx port. On the PCB it looks like all power and GND pins are simply connected by a net that has no name. This really puzzled me for while, until I discovered that all 74xx units actually have an extra unit that contains the power connections. So the 7400 contains 4 ports (Unit A,B,C,D) and a Unit E which only contains VCC and GND.

Ports, Unit E (power and gnd), and power ports in the schematic

After adding the power 'unit' for every chip, the PCB routing suddenly makes sense and the pins are also marked with their correct names.


paulvdh wrote 03/30/2022 at 01:41 point

Thirty years ago it made a lot of sense to hide the power pins of the IC's of common logic families.

* Power pins were (nearly) always on opposite corners.
* All those power pins had the same voltage.
* There could be hundredths of those IC's on a big PCB.

None of those "rules" apply anymore.
* PCB's have far fewer (but more complex) IC's.
* Even a single IC can have multiple different supply voltages.
* Even 74HC logic can have somewhere between 3V and 6V power, and it's not certain all should be the same.
* Power pins have moved to other locations for better EMC performance.

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paulvdh wrote 03/30/2022 at 01:41 point

Thirty years ago it made a lot of sense to hide the power pins of the IC's of common logic families.

* Power pins were (nearly) always on opposite corners.
* All those power pins had the same voltage.
* There could be hundredths of those IC's on a big PCB.

None of those "rules" apply anymore.
* PCB's have far fewer (but more complex) IC's.
* Even a single IC can have multiple different supply voltages.
* Even 74HC logic can have somewhere between 3V and 6V power, and it's not certain all should be the same.
* Power pins have moved to other locations for better EMC performance.

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Ken Yap wrote 03/29/2022 at 23:24 point

>But all Kicad guides that I could find also mentioned that power pins for logic chips are always hidden, and automatically connected to  VCC and GND.

Any guide that says that is way out of date. Unfortunately there are a lot of old articles and videos still floating around that are for older releases. It's the old 74xx libraries that have hidden power pins. This is a deprecated practice now. All recent libraries use power units.

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Frits Jalvingh wrote 03/29/2022 at 19:28 point

Yes, thanks for that hint too; that was quite counter-intuitive ;)

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Thomas wrote 08/31/2019 at 19:31 point

Thanks for the hint! I've never used a 74xx chip since a make PCB with KiCad but it's just a matter of time (I certainly have plenty of them lying around).

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