The MCP6V81 zero-drift opamps arrived yesterday, along with a few small ceramic capacitors with ±0.25pF tolerances. I quickly replaced the OPA376 opamps for these in the input integrators (U6 & U7). I also changed C1 & C2, in the AC amps, from 20pF to 5pF. The GS8591 opamps in the output integrator were left in the circuit, as well as some other small noise contributors that I did not believe matter much at this point.
I had to wrap the board with copper foil and 1/2" of foam to improve interference and temperature effects.
Then I left it to collect data overnight at 2 sps with an active ringserver. I can now process the resulting data with ObsPy via the ringserver. Here's 1 hour of data with a 2-pole bandpass filter 0.025Hz - 0.5Hz:
There is a noticeable and significant improvement over the circuit using the OPA376. I ran this data through a spreadsheet, which came up with a standard deviation of 2.0769bits. That sounds pretty good, but when you account for peak-peak variation the resulting dynamic range is "only" 20.02 bits of noise-free resolution (SNR = 136.2dB or 22.6 bits). But if you consider the 16 bit NFDNR of the AD7745, this circuit is 16X better.
Going Forward - Next Steps:
- Connect the current board to the seismometer and evaluate performance.
- If it shows promise with the real capacitance sensor, then construct another board with all of the noise optimization and evaluate it.
- Try to find out what is causing the poor temperature drift.
I'm glad that I did not mess with the seismometer yesterday. It recorded its biggest-ever response to the 7.1 magnitude quake in California yesterday -- ±400,000 counts (that's nearly 0.25mm, 5% of the total dynamic range of the sensor).
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