
DIP version of ATtiny1616

A project log for ATtiny 1-series with Arduino support

Creating a break-out board for the ATtiny1616 where sketches can be uploaded from Arduino with the Arduino UNO or a modified AVR JTAG ICE

sander-van-de-borSander van de Bor 06/02/2019 at 18:307 Comments

SMD components are getting more popular. They are easy to assemble in production and they get small, very small! Unfortunately with the rise of SMD the through hole version, the Dual In-line Package (DIP), is no longer available for newer micro-controllers and break-out boards are needed to use these on the breadboard.

The ATtiny1616 is available in two packages, the 20-Pin SOIC and the 20-Pin VQFN. For the 20-Pin SOIC there are some break-out boards widely available, for example:

While the SOIC works great, it is relatively large. Instead, the VQFN version is only 3x3MM and allows some additional features which can be added to a custom break-out board for the ATtiny1616.

Since this micro-controller has a build in 20MHz oscillator and will run between 1.8V to 5.5V, there is no need for almost any additional components. A bypass capacitor is recommended between GND and VCC for the microelectronic and a 4.7K Ohm resistor from the programmer to the UPDI pin. The actual pin out position will match the SOIC and see here the results:

Schematic is available in the files section of this project.

Next step is preparing the Arduino IDE to compile sketches.


Adrian Galindo wrote 06/30/2020 at 03:09 point

@Sander van de Bor not making any progress with @Simon Merrett files. All there seems to be is a pdf with a schematic, I was hoping to buy a populated breakout board. Fair point on the drazzy core, I'll get one there

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Simon Merrett wrote 06/30/2020 at 08:58 point

Ah, I see. I think @Sander van de Bor and I thought you wanted design files so that you can make some boards and then populate them yourself (because you said " try making some boards" it wasn't clear that you wanted them prepopulated as it doesn't seem like there would be much making of the boards left to do if they were populated). DrAzzy is definitely a good place to get already finished boards. Have fun!

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Adrian Galindo wrote 06/30/2020 at 11:02 point

Simon, thanks for your responses. I am not totally confident of my ability to get code into an Attiny yet, nor soldering a vqfn. Therefore I was probably not clear in the first instance and confusing things further by juggling my options 

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Simon Merrett wrote 06/30/2020 at 11:04 point

@Adrian Galindo do you have any experience with microcontrollers or the Arduino ecosystem? DrAzzy sells programmers too, so with one of those and his microcontroller boards you should be on your way.

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Adrian Galindo wrote 06/24/2020 at 10:49 point

Sander thanks for posting this, but where is the 'files section' ? I was going to try making some boards

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Simon Merrett wrote 06/24/2020 at 14:22 point

Scroll down the page and you should see the files section. 

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Sander van de Bor wrote 06/26/2020 at 04:34 point

Did the schematic that @Simon Merrett mentioned earlier work for you? I created some simple break-out boards with the ATtiny1616 using the VQFN foot print, and I do not recommend that for a try ;). There are some board available on Tindie as well and if you want to support the creator of the Arduino core I recommend getting your board here:

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