
A Word From Our Sponsors

A project log for 60MHz Bandwidth 250Msps Probe-Scope

The Probe-Scope is an open source 60MHz 250Msps oscilloscope probe with all guts built right in, that plugs directly into your PC via USB

james-rowleyJames Rowley 08/26/2019 at 17:080 Comments

We'd like to thank our two sponsors for this project:

PCBWay, who was the manufacturer for all our PCBs and who also did the assembly for the final boards, kindly offered us a substantial discount on our final PCBAs. They have consistently made high quality PCB(A)s and have been responsive and pleasant to work with, and their low prices have helped us keep costs down on the job and made many personal projects (like this) affordable that wouldn't have been otherwise.

Marcus Engineering, LLC, the mutual employer of all our team members, paid for our final round of boards, which we're very grateful for since these were quite expensive in prototype quantity. At Marcus Engineering we provide high-end electronics engineering and product development services covering the entire product development lifecycle; we are based in Tucson, AZ.
