
Wonderings of origins

A project log for Dreamwriter 200 - Z80 Laptop

What can we do with a AIO Z80 laptop? Let's find out!

trevor-johansen-aaseTrevor Johansen Aase 08/05/2019 at 22:504 Comments

So this will likely read like the ramblings of a madman, but It is everything I have had bouncing around my head this weekend and I need some room up there.

I have disassembled my DW200 and compared it to the pictures of the NC200 repairs I have seen online. 

Comparison of PCB:

NC200 (Front) (Back)

DW200 (Front)(Back)


Intel 82077SL Floppy Controller  

Intel N82077AA essentially the same as the SL

- This is definitely the same plastic casting as the NC as the stress points and injection nubbins are in the same locations. This also explains why the HD floppy on the DW has a bit of a gap. If you made your own moulds you would have corrected that gap.

- The keyboard construction is completely different. The plastic key frame is different and the membrane end point location is different. This is odd unless this is some standard layout or the NC was purchasing their keyboards from a vendor and NTS was unable to continue use when they changed to their layout.

- The conceptual layout of the PCB is identical. The core chips are in exactly the same locations (ROM, ASIC, RAM) and the part numbers on the things that "just work" are the same. (CFL backlights circuit, resistors, caps, inductors and placements are identical. The power barrel jack is still inverted centre negative which is very odd for north american built DC jacks so it was a known part that they just kept using. The RTC is also the same chip. The same components have the same solder mask ID as well and that's not a coincidence that can happen.

- The power layout is the same but completely different. The DW has a rechargeable battery pack in the form of NiCads taped together in the same C-Cell compartment. Instead of locating the battery wiring to one location like a new design would have done they just trailed some wire from the existing battery compartment springs to the battery pack connector. This was an existing layout and they kept the power points. The power regulation/charge area is in the same physical space, just different and newer linear components. The decision to use NiCads and a charger is obvious as they were targeting a school market. The NC was notorious for not being able to use the floppy drive after 30 min of use and that would just not be acceptable if you wrote for a class and nobody could save! Why Amstrad did not do this day 0 I have no idea.

- There are two 8x128k RAM chips unlike the NC's stock single ram. The NC has the footprint for TSSOP & SIP likely because of a current price tipping point and they likely chose the cheapest footprint as TSSOP. As memory became cheaper it was likely an easy addition to the DW as you only would need the OE brought out to the ASIC. This does bring up something with the ASIC. The NC would re-map the RAM and ROM is nearly any configuration and was pretty neat. The larger 1 meg address space of the 8088 makes the z80's 64k address space issues moot. I wonder if the MMU in the ASIC has been re-spun or if they just don't use it on the DW at all??

- The NC has the 720k floppy controller baked into the ASIC and the control IP written by Ranger Computers. NTS would not have received the IP for this or maybe decided it was the early 90's and that HD floppy was king in north america (it was). The easiest way to control a floppy drive is a dedicated chip and that's exactly what the DW has. An Intel N82877SL. I need to dredge up a data sheet to find out it it provides the FAT filesystem translation on board or if it was simply a hardware interface chip.

Here are some random musings:

- The DW has an NEC v20 CPU on the back of the board directly under the ASIC. The v20 is an unofficial souped up 8088 processor so its x86_16 ASM instructions. This also increases the memory addressable to 20 bits (1 Meg). This is completely incompatible with the z80 and seems like a odd choice as you would need to write your new OS from the ground up. Now if NTS bought the rights to the NC200 injection moulds, the PCB layout and ASIC its a pretty safe bet to think they got the original firmware in ASM as well. All the z80 code could easily be ported to x86 if you have sources.

- So the NC has no Z80 dedicated IC, this mean that they ASIC in the center is a complete custom fab job with the Z80 IP baked in. Now if Amstrad sold the NC200 IP to NTS this would NOT include the rights to the Z80 IP inside their ASIC but it WOULD include all the ASIC functions and masks. Now a chip fab is not going to make new masks for the same chip functionality, the costs would negate not just rolling your own ASIC in the first place. From the layout and support circuitry is definitely looks like the same Amstrad ASIC. What is the chances the DW ASIC actually has the Z80 IP still baked in but not checked off during QA/QC?! A simple check would be to roll a custom ROM that makes the speaker beep in x86_16 ASM then write the same I/O call in Z80 and see if it works. I my need to lift the V20 power pin to disable the chip though. From above, if they re-spun the MMU in the ASIC they would have removed the Z80 mask guaranteed. Any ASIC changes would have required the chip fab to remove the IP, I am just banking on the cost savings of them playing cheap if it wasn't modified.


Michael Weaser wrote 08/12/2019 at 01:49 point

What if Amstrad had another revision of the motherboard used in the NC200 but they never released it, Could the motherboard that is being used in this Dreamwriter 200 be it? Technically Amstrad could have designed another ASIC for use but they never used it and have another design that used a x86 based processor , and when the company that bought the intellectual property off of Amstrad of this machine , they got access to unused motherboards and Ic's etc.

edit and update : I just found another reason why the x86 compatible processor was used ,  The machine that came before the nc200 the nc100 is actually a clone of a different computer called the  Nakajima ES-210, Nakajima is also the company that built the nc100 and the nc200 for Amstrad. The Nakajima es-210 used a NEC V20. The Nakajima nc100 case design is also based on another computer / word processor named the Citizen portable word-processor  CBM-10WP, Which was also sold by Tandy as the Tandy WP2 or Tandy WP3 . If Nakajima is the manufacture for Amstrad , they have to be for the Dreamwriter product as well.  I am not totally sure if the nc200 case was designed by Amstrad for their product or by Nakajima only used in the Amstrad nc200 as what I can find.  If Nakajima designed the nc100 case , its a 100% possibility that they designed the nc200 case as well but the nc200 case could have been custom designed by Amstrad as well.  I 100% know that Amstrad did design custom motherboards for their products. So could the Dreamwriter 200 simply be using a Nakajima motherboard because of the similarities with the Nakajima ES-210?, So the company behind Dreamwriter used the NC200 case which is either a Amstrad or nakajima design and most likely used with a Nakajima motherboard. 

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Ken Yap wrote 08/07/2019 at 02:35 point

The NEC V20 has a 8080 instruction set alter-ego, and that IS is a subset of the Z80. So maybe the software stuck to the 8080 subset. But maybe the software uses the 8086 IS. If it was written in say C, porting would have been much easier. If you are going to rewrite the firmware anyway, you should use the 8086 IS, it's much more amenable to a HLL like C and there are lots of good C compilers for the 8086.

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Trevor Johansen Aase wrote 08/07/2019 at 05:03 point

I have verified the ROM does not put the v20 into 8080 emulation mode. But if NTS got the IP from Amstrad this was the early 90's so there is no reason to assume it was ever in ASM only. If it was C then they would have had to do almost nothing to port it over.

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Ken Yap wrote 08/07/2019 at 05:33 point

Yeah, HLLs rock.

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